Astra Divina Blog

Meditation Benefits

Would you like to remove stress from your life and sleep better? Find out what are the meditation benefits that will help you live longer and better

The word meditation derives from the Latin word meditatio which means to contemplate, to think or to focus on something. It is a practice in which a person uses various techniques to focuses on a subject, thought or action. The goal is to train attention and awareness to achieve mental clarity and emotional calmness.

If you want to learn few mindfulness and meditation techniques, join us on our program Embrace Yourself. We will meet every Monday at 5PM during August. Take some time for yourself, experience all of the meditation benefits in the safe embrace of Mother Nature.

Image by Tina Nord from Pexels

Where does meditation come from?

There is still a kind of mystical veil around the practice of meditation in our culture. Most people relate meditation with Hinduism and Buddhism. Nevertheless, meditation is a crucial part of every religion tradition that exist for thousands of years. The techniques may differ, but the essence is the same.

Meditation benefits

What do we actually know about meditation benefits for our health? You may not know it but there are several scientific researches for all those positive feelings that come with regular meditation practice. If we could summarize it up, we would point out that meditation helps to develop an optimistic approach to life challenges and relationships.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Here’s a short list of meditation benefits that can help you improve life quality:

  • Improve attention
  • Breathing deeper brings more oxygen into our body
  • Fast and easy managing stressful situations
  • Improving compassion
  • Increasing creativity and imagination
  • Improving relationships
  • Decreasing negative self-talk
  • Increasing anti-inflammatory hormones
  • Longer life span by affecting telomerase enzyme


Hope you got enough reasons to start meditating. Let us know how it went 😊

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